Holiday Miracle Needed to Save OVI Who Helps Orphans & Vulnerable Women in Kenya
Please donate $5 or more/month. To have even more impact, Start your own fundraiser to help OVI. Only 5 minutes to set up!
Towards Our Goal
Recurring Donors
As Featured On National TV (Fox News) with Steve Doocy and Radio (CBS Weekend Roundup with Allison Keyes AND WCBS880 with Mike Sugerman), Good News Network & more!
"This is not the year to get everything we want.....this is the year to appreciate everything we have!"
5Help Foundation, founded & run by teens, has a mission of helping areas of crisis and need $5 at a time. We were just made aware of a very big crisis and need by one of our HOPE Network (Help One Person Every Day) team members and we desperately need your help!
We have been featured on Fox News, CBS Weekend Roundup with Allison Keyes, and numerous local and national publications and radio as well as acknowledged by Upworthy. We aren't saying this to impress you, but to impress upon you that our mission is legitimate and changes lives!
This is SO IMPORTANT and before we all enjoy our Christmas meals and gifts, we want to share this message loud and clear.
Iza Hehre and her Ovi Healthcare Organization is the most genuine organization and they need YOUR URGENT help to survive. Not in a few weeks... but now. In the next 7 DAYS. Scroll to the End for a Special Video Message from OVI Founder Iza Hehre.
Our ask is small, but the impact will be large! Please share this with everyone in your network and ask them to donate $5/mo or more to this campaign. Can you get at least 5 other people to commit to $5/month or more? How about asking your children to give $5/month out of their piggybanks so they know the joy of making a difference and truly helping a wonderful cause. What better way than knowing you are changing lives every month!
You or your children won't miss that $5 that you may have wasted on a latte or burger, but you will have helped save orphans, and a staff of over 60 widows, vulnerable women who have been in abusive relationships, and women who have been separated from their children because of poverty in Kenya.
Just like when you hear a lot of people having to close their restaurants and small businesses, and we’ve all thought to ourselves, “If only they would have told us they needed more support, we would have helped them!”
This is that moment for those at OVI. PLEASE DONATE NOW!
Many of their recurring donations have gone down during the year due to COVID-19. Without recurring support, they are not going to be able to renew all of their contracts.
UNLESS they have 100 people step up to becoming a $100 a month sponsor. The beauty of the 5Help mission is that It doesn't have to be $100. Your donation could be $5 (ONLY $60 FOR THE YEAR) or $20 per month. One-time donations are also gladly accepted. We are sharing the exact numbers because it explains what the change that exact donation can make. That is the equivalent of 2,000 people donating $5/month. We are making this a worldwide campaign so reaching our goal of $10,000 per month is easily attainable!
We all are in the middle of our own personal crises, and we completely understand and empathize with this. But, just to show you the impact of this, it's not only assuring their job, their families, their security, it's also giving life-saving treatment to children.
First of all, it can be so much fun to sponsor a child, put them on your fridge, and pray for them. But we urge you to think about who is elbow deep in dirty diapers every single day.
Investing in OVI's staff is investing in these children.
We don't want them to have a massive layoff on January 1. More importantly, we don't want them to turn away, vulnerable children next year, only because they don't have the staff to take care of them.
We need your help! We need it NOW!
We promise you that if you think that your donation doesn't matter, it does. Your donation helps a woman who works on their staff reconnect with her child and she gets to keep her family.
They hire people that other people do not hire. Their caregivers are vulnerable, some of them only have a second-grade education. We know that they value what OVI stands for, because they have been through loss. Through working at OVI, they now have children in a way that other people don't. They are beautiful humans, and we believe that you will see that. Dan from OVI carries children up five flights of steps every day. OVI's doctors work on hundreds of babies at a time.
The way that their staff works is unlike anything else, and OVI cannot do this without them.
They're so important to OVI, and we ask that any time you want to give a Christmas gift to someone, you think of their staff, the babies that are being nurtured and held, and what your one gift can do for many.
We promise you, there is nothing more meaningful that you can do.
We need to reach that goal of 2,000 $5/month donors or one hundred $100 per month donors to sign up by December 31st. Please be that miracle for them and DONATE NOW!. 100% of the funds raised through 5Help Foundation will go towards saving OVI from closing their doors and your donation is completely tax-deductible in the U.S.!
We are teens and we work for FREE! You don't have to worry about whether your donations aren't being used properly. We don't keep anything! We only have one mission and that is to help areas of need and crisis $5 at a time!
Will you be one of our $5/mo or more donors? Would you also consider covering the 3% credit card transaction fee? On a $5/mo donation, it is only 15 cents, but will really help us!!
If you are able to take action and help, we will be celebrating. Celebrating you, celebrating the children that will be taken care of because of you, and the staff that will be staffed because of you.
Thank you so much for reading this and for joining us on this vital journey.
One more thing...
For those that have wanted to go on a medical mission trip. We know hundreds and hundreds have reached out to OVI and Iza all the time. Just twelve $100 donations are what it would cost you to get a round trip plane ticket, to go to Kenya.
Instead with that $1,200, you could sponsor children being held and taken care of for an entire year.
We encourage you to think about 60 hours a week, about 240 hours of the baby being held a month, and 1000s of babies being held every single month, five days a week.
Let's be outside of ourselves and see what a difference these jobs are making. You know, we can't get on a plane this year, that's not in the cards right now, but we can make sure these children are cared for and loved. We can make sure they get treatment, and it's up to us.
You aren't too young or too old to help. Everyone can spare $5/month. Need other payment options, we accept Check, Paypal & Venmo too! Email us at 5HelpFoundation@gmail.com or visit our website at www.5help.org for those direct payment options to donate. We make it easy.
"This is not the year to get everything we want.....this is the year to appreciate everything we have!"
We are also asking a few of our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support this 5Help Challenge. By becoming a fundraiser through 5Help Foundation, you will help OVI even more and you'll help your friends feel good about doing good. It's also a great way to find out how much your network supports you!
Getting started is easy to do, and it's fun. We'll even give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help, we know we can reach our campaign goal by 2020-12-31, and can ensure OVI will be able to continue to employ their 60+ staff of Vulnerable Women/Widows & Orphans Will Be Saved.
When you create a personal fundraiser page today for OVI through 5Help Foundation, you will have made a major impact that will change lives!
Will you help us save OVI and Orphans & Vulnerable Women in Kenya?
Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season and in the words of Tiny Tim, "GOD BLESS US EVERYONE!"
Find out more and get started now.
Drew, Tim, & Heather
5Help Foundation
5Help Foundation is a NJ, USA nonprofit that just received its 501(c)(3). It was founded and is run by teens. 100% goes to helping others because we have no overhead and work for FREE!
If you have any questions, please email contact@5help.org.
Thanks again for your generosity and for being part of 5Help Foundation's mission to help others $5 at a time!
Drew, Tim, Heather & The Team at 5Help Foundation
NJ Teens Mission to Help Others $5 At a Time with Mike Sugerman WCBS880
Recurring Donors
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