5Help Team's Fundraiser
Please Help a Disabled Veteran and his Dog
Just a small donation will help save a veteran's therapy dog's life!
In honor of Veteran's Day, can we please thank a disabled Army veteran for his service by helping to extend his dog's life? Meet Penelope - a 6-year old Boston Terrier who serves as a therapy dog for her 'dad.' Penelope's owner is a disabled Army veteran who relies on Penelope. She has been diagnosed with mast cell cancer. The treatment will cost just over $6,000 and Brodie Project's Phoenix Fund is able to contribute $2,000 towards the treatment. Liz Jeressi from 94.3, a supporter of 5Help Foundation, featured this story today. Will you help us raise the balance needed to save a dog's life and help a veteran who served in Afghanistan as a US Army Specialist Infantryman? Penelope is family to not only to him, but his wife and two young children. 100% of all funds raised will go directly to saving Penelope's life!
Just a small donation will go a long way to help a veteran save his therapy dog's life!